WHEN I want a cigarette I just spell WHEN!
Here's what to do WHEN you think you want a cigarette. Spell the word WHEN! Yes, it's a simple tool to memorize and it really helps! When I want a cigarette, I’ll remember to ask myself "Why?" I know the answer is going to be one of the heads of the dragon; BE, SO CH, EM, or PS. When I figure out what I thought the cigarette was going to fix or change, I’ll ask myself "How Else" can I change that?’ Sometimes just a simple distraction, a drink of water, a quick prayer or talking to a friend will make us feel better! Finally, I’ll remind myself that I Never need another cigarette (even though I may want one sometimes.) Why? How Else? Never need one! Now we know what to do WHEN we want a cigarette. And as silly as you may feel trying to spell WHEN, it really will help glue some truth in your head. Some of these tools seem silly and they work! The more you use them, the better they work. At some point you will change your thought patterns and the "wants" will come less often. |