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The Hungry Tiger
Imagine with me the following scenario: Across the room from where you stand is a tightly closed door. It’s the only way out of the room! Behind the door is a ferocious Bengal tiger. She is a known “man-eater,” rumored to have killed many, many men and women. The good news is that she has had no food for several days. She is near to death. In fact, if she does not receive food for about three more days, she will be forever gone. You will be forever free! All you need to do is NOT feed her for a few days. She may growl and howl, but eventually she will trouble you no more. Your freedom and victory is so very, very close.
Now imagine going to the door just once a day, prying it open a crack, and tossing in a cheeseburger for the tiger. Even one little cheeseburger (or one little puff of a cigarette?) will keep that deadly monster alive longer; to taunt you longer and haunt you longer, and hunt you longer. Eventually don’t we know she will regain enough strength so that one day when we pry the door open just a crack to feed her a cheeseburger, she’ll lunge for you and grab you and have you in her grips? How long can we play with this monster before she takes our life away?
The simple answer is that we cannot afford to risk our lives by feeding the tiger, not even one little puff.
You will never be free if you feed her!
You should be proud of yourself and you deserve to be forever safe from those deadly claws.
If you want some help getting free or staying free, EMAIL ME.
Now imagine going to the door just once a day, prying it open a crack, and tossing in a cheeseburger for the tiger. Even one little cheeseburger (or one little puff of a cigarette?) will keep that deadly monster alive longer; to taunt you longer and haunt you longer, and hunt you longer. Eventually don’t we know she will regain enough strength so that one day when we pry the door open just a crack to feed her a cheeseburger, she’ll lunge for you and grab you and have you in her grips? How long can we play with this monster before she takes our life away?
The simple answer is that we cannot afford to risk our lives by feeding the tiger, not even one little puff.
You will never be free if you feed her!
You should be proud of yourself and you deserve to be forever safe from those deadly claws.
If you want some help getting free or staying free, EMAIL ME.